Tuesday, March 16, 2010

wow! i haven't written on here in a really long time. Well, life has kept going since January. Jaron's parents are living with us. They had to fly back to the states February 5th due to my father-in-laws health problems. He has a heart condition called atrial fibrillation. It is pretty serious because he has been in a. fib for almost 2 months now and that is not good. Also, the doctors are in no hurry to see him, but have informed him that the longer he goes without doing anything, the worse his chances get of getting his heart back to normal permanently. It is really frustrating.
Not much has happend lately. For Valentine's day, Jaron finished some furniture for me to go in our room. He tried to make it a secret, but I found it in the garage before he finished it! I love it and i think that it looks really good in our room!
Our dog, Jack, almost died last month. He got neutered and the vet office gave him a vaccine that he was allergic to while he was there. I informed them not to give it, but they gave it anyway. That night he swelled up soooo big. he was shivering and shaking and wasn't able to breathe correctly. It was bad. So we had to take him to the emergency vet clinic to save his little life. This is him after we got hom from the emergency clinic where they gave him shots that helped the allergic reaction to go down. Poor little guy. I don't feel bad for him today though. He eats EVERY pair of underwear and shoes of mine that he can get to.. Other than that, life has just been busy, but not very exciting. Just normal. Spring break is just around the corner, however, and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! I appreciate time off school and I get to go see my family which will be really fun!

1 comment:

  1. Nicki, the furniture is just beautiful!! Poor Jack!! lol
